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Tag Archives: UFABET

Left stomach pain What diseases are at risk? 

Left stomach pain What diseases are at risk? Complete with basic care methods When it comes to having abdominal pain, there is probably never a time when we can clearly determine what the cause of the pain is. Furthermore, it is because the abdominal cavity up of many organs. There

8 warning signs of psychosis

8 warning signs of psychosis Symptoms that indicate the beginning of a mental disorder You can observe it yourself. You can get it before seeing the doctor. It is an abnormality of perception, decision-making, and emotion. If you experience any suspicious symptoms, you should immediately see a

Mango Hao and Manao Ho have medicinal properties.

Mango Hao and Manao Ho have medicinal properties. If talking about fruits in our country that have medicinal properties, there are many types. But there is one species whose name catches the eye so much that it is called ” Mamuang Hao Manao Ho “. Many people who

Effects of ultraviolet radiation on the body.

If exposed to high amounts of ultraviolet radiation for a long time. It can affect different parts of the body both in the short term and in the long term as follows: Effect on skin From minor annoyances. Such as sunburned skin, wrinkles, to sun allergies sunburned skin and

How to talk to someone close to you with depression?

Depression is a psychiatric disorder that requires continuous treatment. Which is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain or as a result of cumulative stress in everyday life. Serious events that traumatize the mind. Guidelines for proper communication with people with depression are as follows: 1. Listen and be there. Some patients may be