Insulin is a natural hormone that already exists in the human body. Insulin is a hormone that the pancreas produces. And insulin is responsible for changing carbohydrates and proteins into sugar. This sugar is the source of energy that the body uses to carry out its daily activities. If the body lacks insulin, it will lead to a shortage of sugar, the body’s main source of energy.

In addition, there are various negative effects on our bodies. Such as obvious fatigue, thirst, frequent urination, weight loss, loss of appetite. Or even complications such as kidney disease, eye disease, blood vessel and heart disease. And wounds that are harder to heal than normal.
When is insulin needed?
Have you ever wonder when insulin injections are necessary? What kind of diabetes requires insulin injections? Of course, doctors will tell and recommend insulin injections. For diabetic patients with various symptoms, which are as follows:

Patients who need to use insulin are as follows:
- Diabetic patients who cannot produce their own insulin
- Diabetic patients who are unable to produce enough insulin to meet their body’s needs.
- Diabetic patients with liver complications
- Diabetic patients with kidney complications
- For diabetics who have not received insulin by other methods. Such as oral administration, the doctor will diagnose and prescribe insulin by injection instead.
Do all diabetic patients need to get vaccinated?
Although insulin injection is one of the methods of treating diabetes. Not all types of diabetes can be treated with insulin injection. For diabetic patients who need to be treated with insulin injection. They are as follows:

Diabetic patients who need to inject insulin are as follows:
- Diabetic patients with type 1 diabetes. Which can be found in up to 3.4 percent in Thailand. Type 1 diabetes patients are diabetic patients whose pancreas cannot produce insulin by itself and are usually younger than 30 years old.
- Diabetic patients with type 2 diabetes. Which can be found in up to 97 percent of people in Thailand. Type 2 diabetes patients are diabetes patients in which the pancreas can produce only a small amount of insulin by itself, and it is not enough for the body’s needs. The majority of patients with type 2 diabetes are usually over 40 years old.
- Diabetic patients whose cause is from the pancreas. As mentioned above, the pancreas is the source of the body’s insulin hormone. If there is a problem with the pancreas, the doctor will need to use injections to treat it.
- Pregnant diabetic patients
- Diabetic patients who suffer from infections , such as infections during surgery
- Diabetic patients with symptoms of kidney disease